Everyone needs a bio.

A lot of people are so busy and don’t have the time to do their bios. Or they just don’t like talking about themselves. I write bios which are in big demand for websites and for LinkedIn.

Here are my five rules for writing bios:

  1. Pick the right point of view.
    If you’re doing it for a company website or LinkedIn , choose the third person. But if it’s for their social media page, or their Website, it’s the first person
  2. Put their achievements high up.
    Establish their experience and qualifications. They’re human beings complete with a pulse and personality. Don’t write a bio that AI software could do by crawling job descriptions, You need a human voice and tone.
  3. Do a show and tell.
    Don’t just tell prospective how great they are. That will get an eye roll for readers. List the quantitative and qualitative achievements throughout the profile summary. Demonstrate the qualities and experiences that are most valued in their industry or function.
  4. Be clear about your value.
    What makes them so different from other professionals in their industry or sector?
  5. Collaborate with the client.
    It is team work. The client comes back to me with their ideas for changes. My rule is to respect the client. I think of this way: they may never have had anything written, designed or developed before. So I re-submit. It can go back and forth four times. It’s not a hurdle; it’s just another lap en route to the finish line.

If you need a bio, email me at leon@leongettler.com or call me on 0411 745 193