With website copy, I have some key rules for clients.

First, the client and I need to identify their audience. This means we have to create buyer personas and personalise the content to speak to exactly the right people. Secondly, we need to create clear concise and enticing headlines.to get the attention of their buyers.

As someone who was a journalist for 45 years, I know what a good headline does. We need to use a solution-oriented tone, because that’s what buyers want. Solutions to their problems. And we always make sure to talk about what the customer wants, not what the client is offering.

Seven tips for copywriting for websites:

  1. Identify the audience. Ask yourself:
    • What situation leads them to need what you offer?
    • What are the fears that they might have that would prohibit them from buying from you?
  1. Write good headlines.
    A headline is the only impression you can make on an Internet surfer that can turn them into a potential reader. Most internet readers will only scan a headline. A good headline gets them reading. Spend just as much time crafting a solid, strategic headline as you do on the content within the piece. With a good headline, readers can easily identify the content within the piece, the relevancy of the piece, and whether or not the content is going to be interesting and informative
  2. Give solutions to the buyer’s problem.
    Detail the unique features that make that thing you’re offering unique and the benefits that will attract the right audience.
  3. Stop talking about yourself.
    Readers want to know what you can do for them.
  4. Clearly define the primary intention of each page.
    Every page on your website should have a function. If you have Google Analytics set up, the Analytics tool can help you see the paths that people take on your site.
  5. Balance text with white space and video.
    If you have too much copy on a page, it’s likely that your reader will get overwhelmed and give up. Adding white space, or padding around blocks of copy and images and video can help make your website copy more digestible and add extra context to your written copy.
  6. Use SEO to identify the common searches that people type into Google that lead them to your competitors.
    If a majority of your competitors refer to a product or service that you offer in one way, there’s a good bet that’s how your buyers are searching for it. Identify keywords your competition is ranking in Google searches that you are not These keywords can bring you additional traffic.

If you need a copywriter for your website, email me on leon@leongettler.com or phone me on 0411 745 193.