It’s April, the time of year when companies are doing their annual reports.  

Writing annual reports is a headache for every business. How do they get on top of all that complexity?

There is no doubt that these reports are causing a lot of stress when their time should be spent running their business.

I can do their annual reports in five ways:


First, they would want their annual report to have all the key details. I make sure the annual report will have the following:

  • Company details: This is the company’s name, its registered address. I also give a short description of the business, and provide names, positions, and contact addresses of principal figures (the CEO, managers, directors, etc.).
  • Letter from the CEO or managing director: This letter should introduce the CEO or managing director so I write it in an upbeat, conversational style. I make sure to write it for them in their voice, summarizing the year’s successes and challenges and outlining the financial details that will follow in the report.
  • Industry overview: This part of the report gives a general description of the industry and the company’s place in it.
  • Financial statements and analysis: This section contains audited accounting records that summarize the company’s performance and stability. This always includes the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flow report


CEOs and managing directors need a report setting out the key directions for their company. I always provide a report that focuses on strategy, financials, employees, client/customer perspectives and governance.


CEOs and managing directors need a report that interprets the data. I always provide reports that have charts, graphs or timelines that make their raw information easier to comprehend.


The want a report with headings and graphics, something that’s easy to understand. I provide reports with short sections of text with headings which make it easy for readers to skim through and pick out specific information. I also insert photos of staff, premises, and products. I make sure to use colourful graphs and tables I also make sure there is enough white space to make reading easier.


Finally they want something to be proofread   I make sure their report is proofread completely. The only way to proof any copy is to read it out aloud, checking it for grammar, jargon, number of words, spelling, style, and punctuation issues. Even the sound and rhythm of words is important. Reading it aloud helps fix issues to ensure the piece fits the client’s needs and personality.

I need to hear from any company doing their annual reports now. I can do it for them

Contact me at 0411 745 193 or email me at