There is no doubt that podcasting has now become more popular with clients.
As Seth Godin blogged in 2018, podcasting is the new blogging.

For sure there are more bloggers but many don’t know how to do podcasts.
Indeed, there are a lot of reasons why people don’t want to do podcasts for their clients. They say it’s too technical, they have to buy equipment and software, they have no idea how to get their podcasts on to Apple podcasts, and they don’t know what to podcast about.
But according to the latest data, nine out of ten Australians were familiar with podcasting in 2020. That’s a higher percentage than the 78% of Americans who claimed to know about podcasting. Comparing podcast listeners every month, the two countries are nearly on par – 37% of Australians and 41% of Americans actively listen to podcasts. And podcast listeners in Australia increased by 15% during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
I do podcasts for you. I have all the skills and experience.
For example, I did a podcast for a law firm which had great results in a number of ways. It built their brand, helped them reach new potential customers and clients, it provided social media fodder and it was cheap because the “studio” was a quiet room in my house.
I also did a regular podcast for the Law Institute of Victoria where I examined issues like mandatory sentencing and the mental health of lawyers. The podcasts gave the Law Institute members the chance to talk about important issues that were in the news. This raised the profile of the Law Institute of Victoria, and presented the lawyers’ point of view to the community, stuff the lawyers couldn’t present anywhere else. Much more effective than a newsletter, blog or website.
Podcasts allow companies to tell the story they would put in their end of year reports. It’s cheaper than an annual report which can cost anywhere from $7500 to $20,000 to create, publish and distribute. Telling the company’s story in a podcast would cost nowhere near as much.
Podcasts also deliver the opportunity to bring in extra income through sponsorships and ads.
Every week, I run a podcast called Talking Business where I interview business figures, economists and give a run-down of the week’s new in business. It attracts sponsorships and advertisers and has a global audience of more than 19,000.
When you do a podcast, you need a name and a graphic.
It also has to be edited on Adobe Audition and you have to submit it to Apple podcasts.
Those are the first ways to build your reputation through podcasting.
Want to provide value for clients through podcasts? Come to me at or call me on 0411 745 193.
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