Why do company leaders and managers have ghost-writers?
Business people and celebrities hire ghosts because they are frequently too busy to pen their story.

They also do it to guarantee engaging, high quality content that will drive awareness of both them and their company. Politicians are the same. They turn to ghostwriters to help write their biography. Ghost-writers also produce their speeches.
Think about it. Keith Richards fantastic autobiography was produced by a ghost writer James Fox.
Why do business leaders need to write books? The book gives them a voice, it communicates their vision and it’s good for business.
I have one client who wants me to help him with his autobiography.
The first thing I am doing is going over the manuscript he sent me. It runs to 117 A4 pages which will be about 250 pages as a paper back.
The first thing I am doing as his ghost writer is tighten the language
I am also make sure the spelling, punctuation and grammar are spot on.
There are bits of it that are a bit rough but that’s my client. It’s important to use his voice.
We agreed it would be written in his name.
I am just the ghost.
If you need a ghost-writer, contact me on 0411 745 193 or at leon@leongettler.com
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