Talking Business October 14 2022

The IMF points to a growing risk that the global economy will slide into recession next year as households and businesses face ‘stormy waters’ in most countries Welcome to Talking Business, a podcast produced in Melbourne Australia. The podcast is...

Talking Business May 27 2022

Employers urge the Albanese government to use its upcoming jobs summit to restore the Hawke-Keating enterprise bargaining system to boost productivity. Listen to the episode now:

Talking Business May 13 2022

Stocks globally are tumbling as renewed worries about China’s economy pile on top of markets already battered by rising interest rates, inflation and the Ukraine war. Welcome to Talking Business, a podcast produced in Melbourne Australia. The podcast is available on...

Talking Business April 8 2022

Soaring food and fuel prices are starting to rattle governments around the world, showing the widespread political consequences of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.  Welcome to Talking Business, a podcast produced in Melbourne Australia. The...

Talking Business March 18 2022

Vladimir Putin has set the clock ticking for possible defaults on about $150 billion in debt as the Russian economy slumps and its currency collapses under the pressure of sanctions, including on its foreign-currency reserves  Welcome to Talking Business, a podcast...